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Date: Wed, Oct 6, 2021

Subject: Letter to Classmates


Dear Classmates:


As you are all probably aware, the Naval Academy Alumni Association is starting construction on a new Alumni House Complex. It will be located across King George Street from the Baseball fields along College Creek. Work is anticipated to be complete sometime in 2023. The current USNA alumni facilities and locations in the Annapolis area will be combined into the new complex including all of the offices in the current Alumni House as well as new conference rooms for class use, reception and dining facilities for class reunions and other USNA functions. There will also be a hotel and parking area associated with the new center. Funding for this project is coming principally from individual Alumni donors, Classes and Corporate entities.


I am writing this short note to encourage all of you to consider donating to or directing your current USNA donations to the construction of the new Alumni House project. (ie., you do not have to increase your annual donation, just insure it is designated for the new Alumni House project.).


If a class donates at least $250,000 to this ground breaking project, the Class Crest of that class will be displayed in the new Alumni House along with all other contributing classes, many of which have already met their goal. If an individual contributes $12,500 (5 years of the Presidents Circle minimum of $2500 annual contributions), your name will be separately recognized.


I ask all of you to consider donating to this very worthy project over the next year. All of you, I am sure, would like to see our Class represented in the new Alumni House Complex. If you have any questions about how to contribute or want to change where your contributions should go in support of this effort, feel free too contact our Class Contribution and Giving Coordinator, Joe Conway, at 410-991-4310 or email at


Again, thanks in advance for your consideration concerning this very important project.


Gary Storm President, Class of 1968

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